Earth Day–what’s the big deal about this day and why should you care? Earth Day was first celebrated on April 22, 1970, in the United States as a way to increase Americans’ awareness of the dangers that leaded gasoline and other pollutants were causing the planet. It was so successful that in December of that same year, the Environmental Protection Agency was established and the Clean Air Act was passed later that month. By 1990, the movement had expanded to cover multiple environmental concerns and had spread to other nations. Some 200 million people in 141 countries now celebrated Earth Day to promote awareness and to look for ways that average citizens could help.

Today, more than 1 billion people around the world celebrate and honor our planet. Together, we’re finding ways to increase awareness of the dangers of air pollution, water pollution, and biodiversity loss. We’re working to hold big corporations accountable for the pollutants they spew into our air and water or leach into the earth. And we’re looking for solutions to water shortages, which in turn, create food shortages. We’re looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprints. And we’re more aware of the dangers of plastics, especially microplastics which have recently been found in the lungs and bloodstreams of people.

Celebrating Earth Day helps remind us that we must change human behavior, especially in regard to waste and excess. This year, the theme for Earth Day is “Invest in Our Planet.”  So, how can we do that?

Plant trees — Trees absorb carbon dioxide, release clean oxygen, provide shade (which helps cool the area around them) and they provide habitats for wildlife.

Plant native plants–Native plants require less water and they benefit native insects including bees, butterflies, and moths.

Reduce waste–Invest in reusable bags and water bottles. Avoid buying single-use plastics whenever you can and look for products with less packaging. Use cloth rags rather than paper towels to clean up spills and messes. You’ll help the planet and save money at the same time!

Recycle your electronics–More than 50 million metric tons of electronic waste is created every year. When you must replace an electronic, take it to a facility that will recycle it.

Clean up litter–This may be one of the simplest ways anyone can help. Don’t walk past that candy wrapper, disposable water bottle, or soda can some lazy person dropped. It only takes a moment to pick up and drop it in a  trash can.

Every little bit we can do helps make our planet a better, healthier one for all of us. Thanks for doing your part!


See you in the garden!